How to know if you’re lifting heavy enough for results Video Transcript: So are you lifting heavy enough? First of all why why do…

How to build muscle Video Transcript: Search in video okay for muscle build 101 believe it or not…

An example of our Training Splits

How heavy should you be lifting ? Unless your specific weight training program says otherwise, your goal is to use a…

Dialing in volume with your workouts In the most simple and basic of terms, the optimal volume range for most…

Breaking down compound and Isolation movements in our TUF routines Video Transcript: So a lot of our members here yet so they get awesome…

Breaking down a Push-Group routine at TUF Video Transcript: okay the idea here what we need to get across to the…

TitanUp Fitness Routines always offer a well thought out PLAN to benefit you MOST Video Transcript: Fitness Routines Okay a superset so we get more done in a…

River City Live & TitanUp Nocatee

TitanUp Fitness trainer John Gillenwaters talk about the new location at Nocatee and what TitanUp…

How much Training Volume, and why we use reps to determine it If you do too much volume, you run the risk of hindering (or completely…