TitanUP Fitness Vlog

Video Blog by Andrew Decker, owner of TitanUp Fitness Gym #1 fitness center in Jacksonville.

https://youtu.be/tESVbMt6O-c?feature=shared Transcript when I unrack 10 to 12 but the key isleaving two in the…

Leg Day breakdown with TitanUp Fitness

https://youtu.be/9I5NVJJMHxQ?feature=shared Transcript: Okay, here we go. This is a superset for sets one, two, three,…

Strength Training with Bench Press

https://youtu.be/Q1I9U3Mh_d4?feature=shared Alright, here we go, focusing on bench press strength training. Remember, this is different…

Full Push / Full Pull Bodybuilding Splits for Weeks 3&4

https://youtu.be/GATwBwvMmm8?feature=shared Okay, here we go, weeks three and four of the program. These weeks have…

Group Training with TitanUp Fitness

https://youtu.be/0vVzwLczNMQ?feature=shared Strength Training: Maximizes force production: When lifting heavy weights for low reps (6 or…

Closer look at our training splits with TitanUp Fitness


A glimpse of lower body strength training with TUF


Bodybuilding with TitanUp, making moderately challenging lifts suck


Hypertrophy training does not mean you’re still not building strength

While hypertrophy training primarily focuses on muscle growth and size, it can also lead to…