Allen Decker Transcript when I unrack 10 to 12 but the key isleaving two in the…

Leg Day breakdown with TitanUp Fitness Transcript: Okay, here we go. This is a superset for sets one, two, three,…

Strength Training with Bench Press Alright, here we go, focusing on bench press strength training. Remember, this is different…

Full Push / Full Pull Bodybuilding Splits for Weeks 3&4 Okay, here we go, weeks three and four of the program. These weeks have…

Group Training with TitanUp Fitness Strength Training: Maximizes force production: When lifting heavy weights for low reps (6 or…

Closer look at our training splits with TitanUp Fitness

A glimpse of lower body strength training with TUF

Bodybuilding with TitanUp, making moderately challenging lifts suck

Hypertrophy training does not mean you’re still not building strength

While hypertrophy training primarily focuses on muscle growth and size, it can also lead to…

Upper Body Strength Training part 1: Vertical Movements "Okay, here we go. We're going to start with vertical movements first. You should…

Breaking down weeks 11 and 12 of our current 13-Week Program Here's a cleaned-up version of the video transcript: Welcome to weeks 11 and 12.…

“TitanUp At-Home Hurricane Idalia Workout Transcript To warm up for the Idalia Hurricane FBI workout, you only need one…

An example of our training splits for our strength training program Alright, let's dive into the updates for weeks five and six. These weeks are…

Creating value as a fitness coach Transcript: Our motto emphasizes that your education should empower you sufficiently so that you…

Using time under tension for bodybuilding "Okay, let's begin with a regular count. With the Tempo like that, it should…

What should you start with first, weights or cardio Let's use the analogy of building a house to discuss how to approach different…

Doing hip thrusts properly to maximize your glute work Hip Thrusts I want to highlight a common mistake in this movement. Take a…

Setting goals with nutrition without obsessing or creating harmful habits Video Transcript: This is Andrew Decker co-owner of TitanUp Fitness this is our 11th…

Lowering body fat percentages by gaining more muscle Transcript: okay being that we just started a new 13 weeks and we wrapped…

How to stay on track with fitness and nutrition Transcript: so a lot of our members here yet so they get awesome results…

Repeating the same exercises for improvement Video Transcript: all right here's what we're going to do this is very similar…

The truth about toning your body Video Transcript: okay so we're going to cover toning or the theory of tone…