TitanUP Fitness Vlog

Video Blog by Andrew Decker, owner of TitanUp Fitness Gym #1 fitness center in Jacksonville.

Progressive Overload

https://youtu.be/8hO33unwXbU?feature=shared Transcript:In a condensed period, remember, Progressive Overload doesn't entail adding weight every single week.…

https://youtu.be/tESVbMt6O-c?feature=shared Transcript when I unrack 10 to 12 but the key isleaving two in the…

Leg Day breakdown with TitanUp Fitness

https://youtu.be/9I5NVJJMHxQ?feature=shared Transcript: Okay, here we go. This is a superset for sets one, two, three,…

Strength Training with Bench Press

https://youtu.be/Q1I9U3Mh_d4?feature=shared Alright, here we go, focusing on bench press strength training. Remember, this is different…

Full Push / Full Pull Bodybuilding Splits for Weeks 3&4

https://youtu.be/GATwBwvMmm8?feature=shared Okay, here we go, weeks three and four of the program. These weeks have…

Group Training with TitanUp Fitness

https://youtu.be/0vVzwLczNMQ?feature=shared Strength Training: Maximizes force production: When lifting heavy weights for low reps (6 or…

Closer look at our training splits with TitanUp Fitness


A glimpse of lower body strength training with TUF
