

Boot Camps

Video Transcript: So this is what’s going to happen boot camps it does not mean we’re doing 45 50 minutes of hit training and mopping the floor with our sweat what it means is it’s just non-specific we’ll just include some push pull press methods we’re still going to lift [...]

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Ego Lifting

Video Transcript:  the weight that’s on here we’ve got to drive that home especially if people want to shape their legs you cannot shape your legs grow your butt define your hamstrings if you’re doing half wrap squats and guys guys that want to bench press more weight you got [...]

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13-Week Assessments

Video Transcript: Okay family for the 13 weeks that’s coming up we’re gonna do things a lot differently to try and make sure everybody gets the best possible look at tracking results this is a result based driven facility so it’s never going to go away we’ve got to do [...]

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Assault Bike Introduction – Titan Up Fitness

Video Transcript: Okay so let’s show these simulates a sprint I’m going to educate everybody on them because this is never going away just like squats just like benchpress just like dead lives this will be our staple move along with those idols the reason for that being is that [...]

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Fat loss without moving

Video Transcript: So a friend told me man I hate running I don’t want to have to do this but I’ve gained too much weight on quarantine I got to start running it just makes me miserable but that’s the only answer so I think think about it like this [...]

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Take a Leap

Video Transcript: [Music] let’s talk about the fear of coming in here for the first time i can totally relate to you being afraid to coming in here and the fact that you think that you need to be an athlete or you need to be strong or you need to [...]

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Complex Exercises

Instagram is a cornucopia of tricked-out, awe-inspiring exercises that leave many of us thinking I’ve got to try that! But, no, you don’t need to try any of them. And in most cases, you probably shouldn’t. Instagram encourages you to do every workout and exercise you see—and the more complicated, [...]

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Video Transcript: So I’m seeing just as things change people posting on their feed and you know everyone’s more crazy than ever to get on some sort of diet so I just I have to put this up to hopefully get through to people you know I see people put [...]

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Video Transcript: all right so let’s backtrack and think about this in a backwards way let’s just say God forbid you broke one of your femurs you broke your leg your left leg it’s in a full cast no use of it but you still have good use of your [...]

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Weight Loss ???

Video Transcript: So weight loss if you have to focus on it we don’t focus on that it tighten up we prefer fat loss because that’s really what’s gonna be responsible for altering your physique but if you do feel you have a few pounds to lose think about this [...]

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Nutrition Coaching

Our facility offers 13 Weeks of Nutritional Coaching and reinforcement from our trainers, every single day. We have the best nutrition coaching program available and it pairs perfectly with our workout plans!   Video Transcript: What is your goal in the gym if it’s to lose fat and gain muscle [...]

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Progressive Overload

Video Transcript. [Music] all right so something for all of you guys to think about and let’s get some lightbulbs to go off again let’s talk progress okay that is the key fundamental for not just fitness anything at life that you will have a goal or you want to [...]

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Video Transcript [Music] Okay so here’s a good story for you guys this was just on Friday where my landlord came over he’s by next door now so he came over and we’re in here just had just finished working out and he says to me he goes man because [...]

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TitanUp’s Nutrition Courses

Video Transcript: So all of our members that tighten up have access to our nutrition programs which are provided by dop V custom-built and they’re delivered one course at a time per week for 13 weeks that separates tighten up from every other facility that offers a guideline or a [...]

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